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My Scripts

This part of the site contains some scripts that you might find useful.

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EasyAds (added 14/01/2003).
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Easy ads is a very simple banner ad (or any other html content) rotation system.
Features include multiple ad categories, easy administration script, ad weighting, and easy install.

voxinfo (added 22/10/2002).
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This script will only be of direct use to people hosting their sites with Voxtreme, as their purpose is to display information about the servers. Useful to others as an example perhaps.

mysqltemplate (added 10/09/2002).
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mysqltemplate is an easy to use and very flexible class for querying mysql databases and displaying the output from a template, with support for 'paged' results and tabular display.

morecache (added 10/09/2002).
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morecache is an output caching class. Use it to give your pages a big boost of speed.

application object (added 10/09/2002).
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This is an experimental script that attempts to replicate (somewhat) the function of ASP's Application Object.

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What do you think of my resume wizard site? All nicely written in php :)